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- F23-02Inmate Database Information
- OIP Posts Two New OpinionsThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted the summaries of two new memorandum opinions concluding that agencies were absolved under the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) from conducting searches for records that they actually knew did not exist. In U Memo 23-03, the requester sought from the Bureau of Conveyances (BOC) copies of […]
- DCAB’S REVISED DISABILITY ACCESS STATEMENTS TO ADD TO MEETING NOTICESAs of March 2023, the State Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB) revised its instructions for Sunshine Law boards to use on meeting notices for anyone requesting disability accommodation. Therefore, the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) posted DCAB’s revised instructions on its Sunshine Law training materials, including the “good agenda” in the Basic Sunshine Law […]
- U Memo 23-04Reasonable Search for Solid Waste Stream Records
- U Memo 23-03No Duty to Search for Land Court Records
- What’s Not New: OIP Works Hard to Ensure Timely Public Access to Government Records and MeetingsSunshine Week is the time to get the facts about what Hawai`i’s Office of Information Practices (OIP) does to ensure public participation in State and county government via two important laws that it administers: the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) mandating public access to government records, and the Sunshine Law requiring open meetings of government […]
- Reminder to Submit FY 2023 Semiannual Log and ChecklistCongratulations to Kauai County, Hawaii County, the Department of Accounting and General Services, and all others who have submitted their FY 2023 semiannual UIPA Record Request Logs and Checklists to the Office of Information Practices (OIP). Please remember to close out your agency’s fiscal year 2023 semiannual UIPA Record Request Log and send your semiannual […]
- OIP POSTS FY 2022 YEAR-END LOG REPORTSThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted at two new reports of the State and county agencies’ UIPA Record Request Year-End Logs for FY 2022, which show many similarities between the overall results for the State and counties. State agencies completed 95.8% of the 2,247 total requests they received in FY 2022 […]
- OIP Revises Notice to Requester FormThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has revised the Notice to Requester (NTR) form to be used in responding to UIPA record requests. The form was revised to make it clearer that requesters should be asking questions about their requests and sending any necessary payments directly to the agency, and not to OIP unless […]
- AS 2022 ENDS, CLOSE YOUR SEMIANNUAL LOGAs we end the calendar year, the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) would like to remind all agencies to close out the first half of your agency’s fiscal year 2023 UIPA Record Request Log and save it as a separate spreadsheet as your semiannual Log to send to OIP, and to continue with your […]