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- U Memo 23-07Executive Session Minutes
- U Memo 23-05Requests for Solid Waste Records
- OIP Issues Three New Formal OpinionsThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) issued three new formal opinions, all of which involved Hawaii’s Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA), Chapter 92F, HRS. The full opinions can be accessed via the Formal Opinion Letters page at and are briefly summarized as follows. OIP Op. Ltr. No. F23-03: This opinion resolved three consolidated […]
- F23-05Records Relating to Request for Proposals
- F23-04Attorney-Client Privileged Communications
- F23-03Name of Student Members Serving on Admissions Committee for William S. Richardson School of Law
- 2023 LEGISLATIVE WRAP-UPThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) greatly appreciates the Legislature’s confidence in our office and its generous support for the establishment of two new positions at OIP: a sixth staff attorney and one legal assistant. Pending legislative passage tomorrow and Governor Green’s approval of the budget bill, HB 300, HD 1, SD 1, CD […]
- THE FACTS ABOUT THE DELIBERATIVE PROCESS PRIVILEGE[This is the third article that Civil Beat was given the first opportunity to publish, but did not. Despite the many articles and opinion pieces that Civil Beat has published referencing the deliberative process privilege, it has chosen not to provide this explanation of the privilege and the new exception proposed in HB 719, HD […]
- THE FACTS ABOUT RECORD REQUEST FEES AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST WAIVER[This is the second article that was first offered to Civil Beat for publication, which it has not published. The conference committee will be meeting on HB 719 today at 1:30 p.m.] Civil Beat has published a number of subjective opinion pieces about the record request fee caps and public interest waivers in HB […]
- THE FACTS ABOUT THE OFFICE OF INFORMATION PRACTICES[On April 19, 2023, the online organization Civil Beat was given the first opportunity to provide the article below to its readers, which was not published as of the time this What’s New article was disseminated.] Despite the important role the Office of Information Practices (OIP) plays for Hawaii’s open record and open meeting […]