Training Materials Index
Here are brief descriptions and links to OIP’s training guides and videos explaining the UIPA and Sunshine Law.
The Law
Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), Chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“UIPA”)
Quick Guide to OIP’s Administrative Rules
UIPA Guide
Basic UIPA Training Videos and Training Materials (Nov. 2021) (click here)
Detailed UIPA training is provided in a two-part, closed captioned video totaling about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Written transcripts and copies of the PowerPoint slides are also provided.
Additional UIPA Written Guidance:
- Basic Q & A
Basic Q&A on access to government records
- Waiver of Fees
Waiver of Fees in the public interest (Nov. 2011) - Processing Large or Complex UIPA Requests
Informal Guide to Processing Large or Complex UIPA Record Requests (Jan. 2012) - Responding to a Personal Record Request
Quick Review: Responding to a Personal Record Request (April 2013) - Disclosure to Auditors
Disclosure to Auditors (May 2002)
- Redaction
Quick Review: The ABCs of Redaction (April 2013) - Requester’s Responsibilities and Requirements
Quick Review: Requester Has Responsibilities and Requirements Before an Agency Must Provide Records (May 2014)
UIPA Forms for the Public
UIPA Forms for the Public
UIPA Forms for Agencies
UIPA Forms for Agencies
Log, Training, Instructions, FAQ, Reports
The Law
Chapter 92: Public Agency Meetings and Records (Unofficial version, August 2024)
Sunshine Law Guides
Open Meetings: Guide to “The Sunshine Law” for State and County Boards (August 2024)
Open Meetings: Guide to “The Sunshine Law” for Neighborhood Boards (August 2024)
Basic Sunshine Law Training Video and Materials (August 2023) (click here)
Detailed training of the Sunshine Law, including the remote meeting provisions, is provided in two parts, with closed captioned videos totaling nearly 2.5 hours. Accessible written transcripts and copies of the PowerPoint slides are provided.
Sunshine Law Quiz (Aug. 2024) (click here)
Test your knowledge of the Sunshine Law, including the remote meetings provisions, with this 10-question quiz.
Additional Sunshine Law Written Guidance
Multi-Site and Remote Meetings (effective 1/1/2022)
- Quick Review: Tips for Remote Meeting Notices (August 2024)
- Quick Review: Sunshine Law Requirements for Remote Meetings (August 2024)
- Quick Review: Sunshine Law Requirements for In-Person Meetings Held at Multiple Sites (October 2021) (effective 1/1/2022)
Board Packets
- Quick Review: Board Packets (August 2024)
Meeting Notices
- Quick Review: Sunshine Law Meeting Notice Requirements (August 2024)
- Public Meeting Notice Checklist (September 2022)
- LG Memorandum: How to File Notice with LG (July 2024)
Agendas and State and County Calendars
- Agenda Guidance for Sunshine Law Boards (August 2024)
- Calendar Guidance
- State Calendar – Visit the State Calendar to view meeting notices of state boards and commissions. With the calendar you can select a single agency or select “ALL” to see a calendar of all meetings.
- County of Kauai Calendar – Visit the County of Kauai calendar to view meeting notices of Kauai County boards and commissions and the County Council.
- City and County of Honolulu Calendar – Visit the City and County of Honolulu calendar to view meeting notices of Honolulu County boards and commissions and the City Council.
- County of Maui Calendar – Visit the Count of Maui calendar to view meeting notices of Maui County boards and commissions and the County Council.
- County of Hawaii Calendar – Visit the County of Hawaii calendar to view meeting notices of Hawaii County boards and commissions and County Council.
Continuance of a Meeting
- Quick Review: Continuance of a Meeting under the Sunshine Law (August 2024)
- Hawaii Supreme Court Sunshine Law Decision in Kanahele v. Maui County Council
(2013 opinion regarding meeting continuances and board communications)
Meeting Minutes
Executive Meetings
Who Board Members Can Talk to and When:
- Quick Review: Who Board Members Can Talk to and When, Part 1 (July 2018)
- Quick Review: Who Board Members Can Talk to and When, Part 2 (August 2022)
- Quick Review: Who Board Members Can Talk to and When, Part 3 (August 2024)
- Quick Review: Roundtable Discussions with Multiple Boards Subject to the Sunshine Law (March 2017)
State Legislative Issues and Measures
Sunshine Law Forms for Boards
- Request for OIP’s Concurrence for Limited Meeting (pdf) (April 2024)
- Notice of Continuance of Meeting (pdf – fillable form ) (Jan 2014)
- Checklist and County Council’s Request to Waive Videotaping of a Meeting as Guests of a Board or Community Group (pdf – fillable form) (Mar 2015)
ADA Accessibility Questions:
For questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its applicability to the online posting of minutes, notices, agendas, and other matters, please contact Hawaii’s Disability and Communications Access Board (DCAB),, 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 101, Honolulu, HI 96814, (808) 586-8121, or visit DCAB’s website at For questions about the Sunshine Law, please contact OIP.
Although the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is not enforced or administered by the state Office of Information Practices, OIP would like to remind state and county boards that ADA requirements also apply to all public meetings. The state Disability and Communication Access Board (DCAB)’s website at includes links to materials including its Policy Guidance on the Provision of Auxiliary Aids/Services Due to a Disability at Public Meetings or Events, which contains sample language that state and county boards should include on their meeting agendas to notify people that an accommodation due to a disability may be requested in advance of a public meeting.
Additionally, according to DCAB, “the agenda and all supporting documents linked to the agenda should be prepared in an accessible format readable by a person with screen-reader software, including the inclusion of alt text (alternative text) behind images.” Thus, in addition to the state Sunshine Law, boards should comply with federal ADA requirements to ensure that their notices and meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities.
Guide to Appeals to the Office of Information Practices
This guide, in a question and answer format, provides an introduction to the process of administrative appeals to the Office of Information Practices (OIP) from government agency decisions under the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA), the Sunshine Law, and certain decisions of the State Department of Taxation to grant or deny access to their records.
2013 Law and Administrative Rules Governing Appeal Procedures of Hawaii’s Office of Information Practices
A law review article by OIP Director Cheryl Kakazu Park and Staff Attorney Jennifer Brooks first published at 36 University of Hawai’i Law Review 271 (Winter 2014), which explains the administrative rules regarding appeals to OIP in UIPA and Sunshine Law cases, as well as the law allowing agencies to appeal to the courts from OIP’s decisions.