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- GOVERNOR EXTENDS SUSPENSION OF IN-PERSON MEETING LOCATION REQUIREMENT FOR REMOTE MEETINGSOn January 26, 2022, Governor David Ige issued an Emergency Proclamation that continued the suspension of only the in-person meeting location requirement for remote meetings under the Sunshine Law, while retaining the remaining provisions of Act 220, SLH 2021, that took effect on January 1, 2022. The proclamation suspends: Chapter 92-3.7, HRS, remote meeting by […]
- MEETINGS BEING CANCELLED DUE TO IMPROPER NOTICEThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has recently received dozens of complaints from the public alleging deficient meeting notices for various Sunshine Law boards that were filed on the State Calendar, resulting in the cancellation of meetings. Certain information is required to be included on meeting notices as set forth in section 92-7, HRS. […]
- OIP IS LOOKING FOR A STAFF ATTORNEYIf you are an attorney licensed in Hawaii, good team player, and excellent writer who wants to respectfully serve the public and assist government agencies as an impartial neutral without bias regarding UIPA and Sunshine Law matters, then OIP may have a job for you as a Staff Attorney. A more detailed job description is […]
- OIP’S FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORTThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted its FY 2021 Annual Report on its Reports page at As expected, due to the long delays in being able to fill three of its total 8.5 positions during the COVID pandemic, OIP’s backlog of formal cases increased 39% to 93 cases at the end […]
- HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND TIME FOR YOUR SEMIANNUAL LOG REPORTSHAPPY NEW YEAR! Unfortunately, OIP’s website seems to have caught Computer Covid and our Training page is not properly loading, although the other pages seem to be healthy. We have our computer doctors examining it and hope it will be resolved soon. In the meantime, please remember to close out your agency’s fiscal year 2022 […]
- GOVERNOR SUSPENDS IN-PERSON MEETING REQUIREMENT AND OIP UPDATES ITS WEBSITEThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is ending 2021 with two major announcements. First, given the increasing number of COVID cases, Governor David Ige today issued an “Emergency Proclamation Related to Sunshine Law In-Person Meetings,” which suspends the requirement for remote meetings to have at least one in-person meeting location until at least February […]
- F22-01Police Report, Administrative Complaint, and Body Worn Camera Recordings
- U Memo 22-01Reasonable Search for Records that Don't Exist
- UPDATED UIPA TRAINING VIDEOSThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted on its Training page at a link to its updated UIPA Basic Training Video and training materials, which are in two parts and based on a PowerPoint presentation that explains in detail the law’s basic requirements and how to properly respond to record requests. Both […]
- Governor’s Emergency ProclamationGovernor David Ige today issued another Emergency Proclamation Related to COVID-19, which imposes a limited suspension of the Sunshine Law and provides guidelines for the conduct of board meetings. Essentially, Exhibit C of the latest Proclamation suspends the Sunshine Law to enable boards to conduct meetings without any members of the boards or the public […]