U Memo 25-02

Posted on Aug 9, 2024 in Informal Opinions - UIPA Opinions

U Memo 25-02
August 9, 2024
Complaint and Related Documents
for Pending Investigation

Requester asked whether the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Regulated Industries Complaints Office (RICO), properly denied Requester’s request for a copy of a complaint filed against Requester’s client (Client) and related materialsOIP found that the requested records were part of an ongoing administrative proceeding against Client at the time Requester made his request, and the information withheld would potentially have given Requester new information about what RICO knew or was considering in the investigationOIP therefore concluded that the information was properly withheld at the time RICO responded, whether analyzed under section 92F-13(3), HRS (to the extent the records were general government records), or section 92F22(4), HRS (to the extent the records were Client’s personal record).