Informal Opinions – Sunshine Law

S Memo 12-2

Posted on Jul 20, 2011 in Informal Opinions - Sunshine Law

Application of Sunshine Law to Hawaii Forest Stewardship Advisory Committee

S Memo 12-1

Posted on Jul 12, 2011 in Informal Opinions - Sunshine Law

Application of Sunshine Law to 2011 Reapportionment Commission

Amendment of Agenda

Permitted Interaction Group Procedures

Discussion Outside of a Meeting

S Memo 11-9

Posted on Jan 13, 2011 in Informal Opinions - Sunshine Law

Notice of Cancellation of Meeting

S Memo 11-8

Posted on Jan 11, 2011 in Informal Opinions - Sunshine Law

Internal Working Group Status as Board

S Memo 11-7

Posted on Jan 11, 2011 in Informal Opinions - Sunshine Law

Restriction on Board Member Discussion

Board Discussion Outside of Meeting

S Memo 11-5

Posted on Dec 20, 2010 in Informal Opinions - Sunshine Law

Sufficiency of Agenda