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- LEGISLATIVE AND WILDFIRE EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION UPDATESNow that we are halfway through the 2024 legislative session, the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is providing this update of Sunshine Law and UIPA bills that have survived and crossed over to the other chamber. Direct links to the bills are provided from the Legislature’s website at SUNSHINE LAW BILLS: HB 1597, […]
- OIP POSTS THREE NEW OPINIONSThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted three new opinions on its Opinions page at In OIP Opinion Letter No. F24-04, OIP concluded that the Honolulu Fire Chief’s privacy interest did not outweigh the public interest in disclosure of his final job performance evaluations, so the Honolulu Fire Commission could not withhold […]
- SUNSHINE LAW TIPS TO DISCUSS LEGISLATIVE MATTERSNow that all bills have been introduced for the 2024 session, the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) would like to provide Sunshine Law boards with useful reminders as to how they can properly discuss legislative matters. OIP has a detailed “Quick Review: Sunshine Law Options to Address State Legislative Issues and Measures,” which explains […]
- F24-04Evaluations of Fire Chief
- OIP POSTS FY 2023 YEAR-END LOG REPORTS The State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted on its Log Reports page at two new reports of the State and county agencies’ UIPA Record Request Year-End Logs for FY 2023, which show many similarities between the overall results for the State and counties. Consistent with data going back to 2015, the overwhelming […]
- MAUI’S ONLINE PORTAL FOR RECORD REQUESTSThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) congratulates Maui County for leading the way to simplify and enhance the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) record request process! On January 24, 2024, the County of Maui launched a new online portal for UIPA record requests at This online portal will provide a single point of […]
- GOVERNOR ISSUES FOURTH AFFORDABLE HOUSING EMERGENCY PROCLAMATIONGovernor Josh Green issued today the fourth affordable housing emergency proclamation, which suspends a number of laws but not the Sunshine Law (Part I of Chapter 92, HRS) or the Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) (Chapter 92F, HRS). The proclamation is expected to be posted on the Governor’s website at For impartial open government […]
- OIP WELCOMES TWO NEW TEAM MEMBERS!The State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is excited to welcome to its team two new members: Staff Attorney Tiara Maumau and OIP Legal Assistant Zoe Abrams! Tiara joins OIP with a decade of criminal litigation experience and will help to relieve the increasing numbers of new cases and Attorney of the Day inquiries. Zoe […]
- U Memo 24-05Executive Session Minutes
- Governor Extends Wildfire Emergency ProclamationGovernor Josh Green issued the Ninth Emergency Proclamation Relating to Wildfires, which continues on page 7 to extend the partial suspension of certain Sunshine Law provisions. This proclamation and others can be found on the Newsroom page of Governor Green’s website at