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- S Memo 14-3Whether the Information Technology Steering Committee Is a Board Subject to Sunshine Law
- U Memo 14-1Whether Kona Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC, Is an Agency Subject to the UIPA
- S Memo 14-2Notice and Subcommittee Meetings
- S Memo 14-1Board Consideration of Matters Made Confidential by the Procurement Code
- S Memo 13-7Council Vote to Confirm the Mayor’s Appointees to County Boards & Commissions
- BASIC Q&A ON ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT RECORDSBasic Q&A on access to government records: What is a government record? What is a personal record? Which agencies are covered by the UIPA? Who can request a record? What types of records are public? What government records are restricted or closed by law? What are an individual’s rights if denied a record? What are […]
- U Memo 13-11Recommended Decision Protected from Disclosure by Deliberative Process Privilege
- U Memo 13-10Training Materials and DUI Manual
- U Memo 13-9Disclosure of Personnel Settlement Agreement
- U Memo 13-8Inter-Agency Memoranda Concerning Surplus Status of Certain Regional Park Parcels