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- OIP SUPPORTS EMERGENCY MEASURESIn response to a several inquiries earlier this week, the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has urged the Legislature to adopt an amendment to the Sunshine Law that would allow boards to take social distancing precautions during the COVID-19 emergency. This week, OIP has received many inquiries from boards regarding precautions they can take […]
- MID-SESSION LEGISLATIVE UPDATEOne of the duties of the state Office of Information Practices (OIP) is to monitor and testify on legislative proposals and make recommendations to the Legislature. OIP tracks proposals directly or indirectly affecting the UIPA, Sunshine Law, or open data issues, including proposals on other topics that have confidentiality provisions or exemptions from the UIPA […]
- U Memo 20-7Complaint Records
- S Memo 20-3Notice of Request for Permit
- U Memo 20-6Solid Waste Complaint Documents
- F20-02Redacted Investigation
- S Memo 20-2Sufficiency of Agenda
- NEW OIP OPINIONS POSTEDThe state Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted online its latest formal and informal opinions discussing both the UIPA and Sunshine Law. In OIP Opinion Letter No. F20-01, Requester sought a transcript and audio record of a Maui County Council (Council) executive session discussing a resolution to appoint staff to the Maui Office of […]
- U Memo 20-5Names of Individuals Sent to Kalaupapa
- U Memo 20-4Tax Review Estimate Records