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- Act 115, SLH 1994 enacting HRS 231-19.5Act 115, SLH 1994 enacting HRS 231-19.5 (1) HB 3190 ada (2) 2.24.1994 House JUD hearing notice and testimony ada (3) HSCR 585-94 and HB 3190 HD 1 ada (4) HB 3190 HD 1 ada (5) 3.21.1994 joint Senate hearing notice and testimony ada (6) SSCR 2651 and HB 3190 HD 1 SD 1 ada […]
- OIP POSTS 4 NEW OPINIONSNow that its powers have been restored, the state Office of Information Practices posted three new informal memorandum opinion summaries and the full text of a new formal opinion on its opinions page at In OIP Opinion Letter No. F20-3, OIP concluded that the budget committee of the Honolulu City Council violated the Sunshine […]
- F20-03Amendment of Agenda
- OIP COLLECTING COMMENTS FOR DRAFT LEGISLATIONThe COVID-19 pandemic, and the possibility of future crises, have changed many things forever, including some ways that government may be conducted. While the partial suspension of Hawaii’s open records and open meetings laws are temporary until amended or terminated by the Governor’s emergency orders, there could be lasting changes in how the public will […]
- S Memo 20-4Amendment of Filed Agendas
- U Memo 20-9Government Records that Do Not Exist
- OIP POWERS REINSTATEDLate yesterday, most of OIP’s powers and duties were reinstated by Governor David Ige’s Seventh Supplementary Proclamation issued on May 5, 2020 (SP7), which is now posted on OIP’s website. SP7 continues to partly suspend both the state’s Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) (Chapter 92F, HRS), and the Sunshine Law (Part I of Chapter 92, […]
- U Memo 20-8Cesspool Records
- ADDITIONAL TIPS FOR VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGSIn addition to the virtual public meeting tips posted last week, the state Office of Information Practices (OIP) would like to pass along information about virtual meeting technology training and how boards can make those meetings accessible to disabled persons. The Microsoft Teams Live Event online training that was recorded and posted by the State […]
- OIP’S TIPS FOR HOLDING A VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGDuring this unprecedented COVID-19 emergency when the Sunshine Law has been partially suspended and people have been ordered to shelter at home, several boards have used technology to hold virtual public meetings so that they can continue to do their important work with public participation while keeping everyone safe from infection. We don’t know when […]