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- OIP POSTS THREE NEW OPINIONS AND THE GOVERNOR’S REPORTThe state Office of Information Practices posted its first three opinions of FY 2021 on its Opinions page, along with the first of four volumes of the Report of the Governor’s Committee on Public Records and Privacy on its Legislation page at In formal opinion F21-01, OIP found that the requested closing agreements are […]
- OIP POSTS LEGISLATIVE HISTORYWith so many key libraries and the State Archives temporarily or intermittently closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the state Office of Information Practices has made it easier for people to research the legislative history behind the UIPA and Sunshine Law and their amendments. On its new Legislation page, OIP has made readily available online the […]
- QUICK REVIEW ON UIPA REQUIREMENTS DURING COVID-19 EMERGENCYThe state Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted on its Training page at a new Quick Review: Agency Disclosure Obligations During Pandemic to help agencies and the public understand the disclosure requirements under Hawaii’s public records law, particularly with respect to medical information. OIP also reminds interested persons to submit their comments on the draft […]
- FY 2020 LOG REPORTS DUEA big MAHALO to the following agencies, which were the first to submit in July their year-end Logs and Checklists for FY 2020: City & County of Honolulu: City Clerk’s Office and City Auditor Hawaii County: Mayor’s Office, Corporation Counsel, and Human Resources DBEDT: State Energy Office Hawaii State Ethics Commission For agencies that still […]
- F21-01Closing Agreements
- OIP’S PHYSICAL OFFICE TO CLOSEDue to the deteriorating conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Mayor’s latest stay at home order, the state Office of Information Practices (OIP) will continue to telework and has closed its physical office. OIP will continue to work on its cases and provide timely Attorney of the Day services, which are best accessed […]
- VIRTUAL MEETING PROPOSAL POSTED ON OIP’S NEW “LEGISLATION” PAGEThe state Office of Information Practices (OIP) has added a new page to its website at On OIP’s new “Legislation” page, you will find a heading for “Important Pending and Recent Legislation.” Here, OIP has posted a draft bill that proposes to amend the Sunshine Law to allow boards to safely conduct board business […]
- ACT 166 SLH 1975The Act: Act 166 SLH 1975 Legislative History: HB 126 status sheet and Legislative History Testimony HB 126 JUD 2.26.75 Testimony HB 126 JUD 3.25.75
- ACT 92 SLH 1976The Act: Act 92 SLH 1976 Legislative History: SB 75 status sheet and Legislative History Testimony SB 75 JUD 2.25.75
- Act 212 SLH 1976The Act: Act 212 SLH 1976 Legislative History: HB 3126-76 status sheet and Legislative History