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- LANDMARK LEGISLATION ALLOWING REMOTE MEETINGS BY SUNSHINE LAW BOARDSThe Office of Information Practices (OIP) would like to thank the Hawaii State Legislature for passing today landmark legislation allowing Sunshine Law boards to remotely conduct public meetings. OIP developed three draft proposals before the session, and five bills containing OIP’s proposal were introduced this session, and what ultimately emerged was Senate Bill 1034, Senate […]
- U Memo 21-5Emails; Investigation Records
- WELCOME, RAE-LYNN AND ROBERT!The State Office of Information Practices is pleased to introduce two new team members: Administrative Assistant Rae-Lynn Thomas and Staff Attorney Robert Shimizu. Recognizing OIP’s need to fill these critical positions, Governor David Ige granted OIP rare exceptions from the State’s hiring freeze and OIP wasted no time finding these two great additions to our […]
- WHAT’S MOVING AT THE LEGISLATUREMarch 5, 2021 was a key deadline to file committee reports for bills that will likely cross over from one chamber to the other of Hawaii’s Legislature by March 11. While the state Office of Information Practices (OIP) has been monitoring or testifying on over 161 measures, the key bills moving forward that directly affect […]
- EIGHTEENTH PROCLAMATION RELATED TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCYShortly after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), chapter 92F, HRS (UIPA), was temporarily suspended in its entirety and the Sunshine Law, part I of chapter 92, HRS, was partially suspended by a series of emergency proclamations issued by Governor David Ige. Subsequent proclamations reduced the total UIPA suspension […]
- STATE CALENDAR UPDATEDThe State Office of Information Practice (OIP) is pleased to announce that the State Calendar is being updated to look like other State websites and to be more user friendly. Existing data will be transferred to the new site beginning at 6 p.m. on Sunday, February 21, 2021, and the new State Calendar will be […]
- SAVE YOUR SEMIANNUAL LOGSAs calendar year 2020 comes to an end, the state Office of Information Practices would like to remind all agencies that they should close out their fiscal year 2021 semiannual Log reports that are due to OIP by January 31, 2021. All government agencies should close out the first half of the FY 2021 by […]
- OIP’S FY 2020 ANNUAL REPORT POSTEDThe State Office of Information Practices has posted its Annual Report for FY 2020 on the Reports page of its website. Despite the temporary suspension of its powers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Governor’s emergency orders, OIP continued to work and ended FY 2020 with the lowest number of pending formal cases in […]
- U Memo 21-4Hearing Officer Notes
- SUNSHINE LAW POINTERS FOR NEWLY ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALSThe state Office of Information Practices (OIP) congratulates all newly elected and reelected members of Hawaii’s Legislature, county Councils, and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA)! This also seems to be an appropriate time to point out that UIPA and Sunshine Law training is available on OIP’s website, along with an archive of past What’s […]