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- SUNSHINE LAW BASIC TRAINING PART I REVISEDThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted on its Training page at a link to “Basic Sunshine Law Training Video and Materials,” where you will find the revised Part I basic training video and transcript, which corrects an audible mistake at around the 38:15 mark regarding the example of the number of […]
- NEW SUNSHINE LAW GUIDES AND LIMITED MEETINGS CONCURRENCE FORMThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has posted on its Training page two new Sunshine Law Guides: one for State and county boards, and the other for neighborhood boards. While the Sunshine Law is applicable to all boards, neighborhood boards are also subject to part VII of the chapter 92, HRS, (which is not […]
- NEW SUNSHINE LAW TRAINING ONLINEThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is pleased to announce that it has posted on its Training page six new Sunshine Law training materials to help boards prepare for the new provisions enacted by Act 220, SLH 2021, which will take effect on January 1, 2022, and are largely reflected in the current guidelines […]
- WELCOME OIP’S NEW STAFF ATTORNEY, LORI KATOThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is pleased to announce that Lori Kato has joined our office as a Staff Attorney. Lori brings with her decades of experience in the private sector as a former legal counsel for the Hawaii Medical Service Association. We welcome Lori as the newest member of our office, who […]
- UIPA POWERPOINT TRAINING NOW AVAILABLEThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is pleased to announce that a new 30‑minute PowerPoint presentation is available on OIP’s website under the training tab. This new presentation provides a short description of OIP’s services and a quick overview of the “UIPA,” Hawaii’s open records law, the Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified), chapter […]
- UIPA NOW IN FULL EFFECT, LIMITED SUSPENSION FOR SUNSHINE LAW CONTINUESYesterday, Governor David Ige issued his Emergency Proclamation Related to the COVID-19 Response (Proclamation) which supersedes the prior proclamations issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Proclamation contains no suspension of Chapter 92F, HRS, Hawaii’s Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) relating to open records. Consequently, the UIPA and all its deadlines are back in […]
- HAPPY RETIREMENT, DONALD!The State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has bid a fond aloha to staff attorney Donald Amano, who retired after seven years of service at OIP. While we will miss him greatly, we wish Donald a long and happy retirement. OIP is still seeking an exemption to the State’s hiring freeze to fill two vacant […]
- OIP POSTS FORMAL OPINION F21-02As its final opinion of FY 21, the state Office of Information Practices has posted on its Opinions page formal opinion number F21-02 regarding the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS). The requester in this case had sought measures of performance of ERS’s investment in private equity funds that had been disclosed in previous years, including total […]
- NEW SUNSHINE LAW REMOTE MEETINGS BILL IS ENACTEDThe state Office of Information Practices (OIP) is pleased to announce that the Sunshine Law has been amended to allow remote meetings to be conducted online, effective January 1, 2022. The Administration’s proposal, Senate Bill 1034, Senate Draft 1, House Draft 2, Conference Draft 1, Relating to Sunshine Law Boards, was signed into law by […]
- NEW FISCAL YEAR, NEW LOG!With the start of a new fiscal year, today is also the day that all state, county, and independent agencies should start a new FY 2022 UIPA Record Request Log. As explained in OIP’s June 22, 2021 What’s New article, agencies should be wrapping up their old record requests on the FY 21 Logs and […]