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- COMMENTS SOUGHT ON DRAFT AMENDMENTS TO THE UIPAThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) is encouraging people to provide written or oral comments, which can be done anonymously, for the October 4, 2022 meeting regarding the attached draft legislation that seeks to improve government decisionmaking. As reported in OIP’s September 16, 2022 What’s New article, the draft legislation was developed by the […]
- Public Meeting to Discuss Draft Amendments to the UIPAThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has been diligently working with members of the Working Group (WG) convened pursuant to Senate Concurrent Resolution 192 (SCR 192) to develop a new statutory exception to the Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA) that would improve government decision-making. OIP and the WG are seeking public comments on the […]
- Sunshine Law Training Revised to Include New DCAB Language for Disability AccessAfter the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) posted its updated Sunshine Law training materials in August 2022, it was informed that the State Disability Access and Communications Board (DCAB) had approved the following new sample language to request disability accommodation, which should be used on Sunshine Law meeting notices. If you need an auxiliary […]
- More Sunshine Law Training Is PostedIn addition to what was posted last week on its Training page, the State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has updated its two-part basic Sunshine Law training video and related materials to incorporate the Sunshine Law changes that went into effect in July, 2022. OIP also posted a new “Quick Review: Tips for Remote Meeting […]
- SUNSHINE LAW TRAINING UPDATEDThe State Office of Information Practices (OIP) has updated the materials on its Training page to incorporate the Sunshine Law changes that were previously described in What’s New articles and went into effect in July 2022. The revised training materials, including the statute, quiz, and video summarizing the Sunshine Law, now reflect the changes made […]
- Sunshine LawThe Sunshine Law is Hawaii’s open meetings law. It governs the manner in which all state and county boards must conduct their official business. The Office of Information Practices (“OIP”) has been the agency in charge of administering the Sunshine Law since 1998. The Sunshine Law is codified at part I of chapter 92, Hawaii […]
- U Memo 23-01Reasonable Search for Records
- OIP ISSUES NEW OPINIONSThe State Office of Information Practices has posted the FY 2022 opinions described below. For formal opinion numbers starting with an “F,” a summary and the full text of the opinion has been posted on the formal opinions page at For the remaining informal opinions, you can link to either the Sunshine Law or […]
- ANNUAL LOG REPORTS DUE JULY 31Congratulations to the following agencies, which were the first three in the State and counties to turn in their FY 2022 year-end UIPA Record Request Logs and Checklists to OIP: State: State Ethics Commission DBEDT/ Business Development and Support DBEDT/ Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority County Honolulu/ Office of the City Auditor Maui/ Prosecuting Attorney Honolulu/ […]
- 2 Bills VetoedOn July 12, 2022, Governor David Ige vetoed the following two bills: S.B. 3252, S.D. 2, H.D. 2, C.D. 1 relating to Public Records and S.B. 3172, S.D. 1, H.D. 2, C.D 1 relating to Public Agency Meetings. These bills were previously described in a What’s New article on June 29, 2022. Two other Sunshine […]