U Memo 25-07

Posted on Sep 25, 2024 in Informal Opinions - UIPA Opinions

U Memo 25-07
September 25, 2024
Policies and Procedures Relating to
Reference and Record Checks

Requester applied and interviewed for positions in three different divisions at the Department of Health (DOH).  After his interviews, Requester emailed three separate but substantially similar record requests, each with the same date, to DOH’s three divisions.  Requester also emailed a second related request to DOH’s Human Resource Office, seeking records similar to those he previously requested from the DOH divisions in his prior requests.  Requester appealed DOH’s responses to his four requests.  OIP consolidated the four appeals for decision and disposition.

OIP found that for each appeal, DOH provided Requester with copies of all responsive records it maintains.  OIP further found that for each appeal DOH conducted reasonable searches for responsive records in the places where the requested records were most likely to be maintained.  OIP concluded that, for all four appeals, DOH met its burden under the UIPA and no further action is required.