
Posted on Jul 16, 1996 in Formal Opinions

Opinion Letter No. 96-02
July 16, 1996
Individuals’ Identities in Honolulu City Ethics Commission Opinions Confidential

[OIP Op. Ltr. No. 05-03 partially overrules this opinion to the extent that it states or implies that the UIPA’s privacy exception in section 92F-13(1), HRS, either prohibits public disclosure or mandates confidentiality.]

In most cases, the identities of individuals who are subjects of, or who are referred to in, the Honolulu Ethics Commission’s advisory opinions are confidential under the UIPA’s “clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy” exception. The UIPA’s exception to disclosure based upon “the frustration of a legitimate government function” also applies and makes the requesters’ identities confidential. Additionally, the OIP advised the City Council that a charter or ordinance requiring disclosure of these individual’s identities would not supersede the UIPA’s disclosure exceptions.

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