
Posted on Oct 5, 1990 in Formal Opinions

Opinion Letter No. 90-29
October 5, 1990
Water Service Consumption Data

[OIP Op. Ltr. No. 05-03 partially overrules this opinion to the extent that it states or implies that the UIPA’s privacy exception in section 92F-13(1), HRS, either prohibits public disclosure or mandates confidentiality.]

Under the UIPA, the Board of Water Supply must disclose “water service consumption data.” This phrase was interpreted to include, among other things, a water service holder’s name, water use zone, highest and lowest water consumption, average consumption, estimated gallons per day, water allotment, and excess over allotment. The OIP also concluded that a service holder’s location and amounts billed and owed by the holder for water and sewer service must be publicly available.

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